9. Obedience

Published on 22 February 2024 at 13:41



John 14:21 – “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”


A desire to obey God’s commands gives clear evidence that a person has been regenerated. Sensitivity to sin and a hunger to please God are given to us by the Holy Spirit, but as new believers we must “un-learn” old habits and ways of doing things in order to live out the principles of our new lives found in Scripture. Obedience is the key to experiencing the joy and peace that God promises His children.


Are you a new believer? Make a commitment to grow in your understanding and practical application of each of these areas, and you will put roots down deep that will sustain your Christian faith in the trials of life. If you need any help sign up for the bible study group and let's learn together. We also offer a new believer discipleship program and 1 on 1 sessions as well. You can find all these services on the main page of this website.


Are you a mature believer? Has God brought someone in your life that needs to be discipled as a follower of Christ? Make a commitment to intentionally and prayerfully come alongside them and help them grow. Be a disciple who makes disciples.


May God Bless each of you and may the seeds that have been planted grow in abundance in your life so that you can be all that God has for you to be!

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